The Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) and Industry Advisory Group (IAG) includes representatives from across key stakeholder groups including the mining industry, organised labour, civil society, Indigenous Peoples, environmental NGOs, investors, multilaterals, academia, and downstream customers.

Their role is to use their expertise to review, shape and inform the development of the standard, assurance process and governance model, reflecting a diversity of expert perspectives. Having a SAG and IAG deeply engaged in the standard’s development is fundamental to creating a standard that serves the needs of a wide range of stakeholders.

Both the SAG and IAG will be engaged throughout the process, virtually and in-person. While these two groups are structurally separate, functionally they are integrated and meet together.

Participation in the SAG reflects the desire to shape the process and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the outcomes. The partners will aim to achieve consensus support for each element of the standard from the SAG and the IAG prior to each public consultation phase. The partners will be transparent about any residual reservations or concerns members of the SAG and IAG may have at the end of this process.

Who is involved in the SAG

Download the Terms of Reference for the Stakeholder Advisory Group here.

Aaron Thomas Kokatha Aboriginal Nation
Bady Baldé Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
BlackRock representative BlackRock
Bruno Oberle World Resources Forum (WRF) and International Resource Panel (IRP)
Ferdinand Maubrey Tesla
Claire Côte Sustainable Minerals Institute, QLD
Elisa Tonda UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Grégoire Bellois Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF)
Jocelyn Fraser University of British Columbia
Juan Rodrigo Walsh AIDIS
Libby Sandbrook Fauna & Flora International
María Eliana Arntz Casa de la Paz
Marie-Theres Kuegerl BMW
Melissa Barbanell World Resources Institute
Nellie Mutemeri Wits University
Nicole Hanson London Metal Exchange
Richard Paquin Unifor
Sacha Backes Development Finance Expert
Stephen Barrie Church of England Pensions Board
Sun Lihui China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers and Exporters (CCCMC)
Sven-Roald Nystø Ájluokta-Drag TSM COI Forum, Norway
Theresa Baikie Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Tyler Gillard/Jennifer Peyser Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)/Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI)
Vicky Bowman Institute for Human Rights and Business

Who is involved in the IAG

Download the Terms of Reference for the Industry Advisory Group here.

Alejandra Vial Antofagasta
Andrea Vaccari Freeport-McMoRan
Andrew Jacob BHP
Bianca Conde Vale
Brent Bergeron Pan American Silver
Briony Coleman Newmont Corporation
Candice Dix Rio Tinto
Charlene Wrigley Gold Fields
Duncan Pettit Barrick Gold Corporation
Jennifer Prospero Eldorado
Loyiso Ndlovu/George Ashworth Sibanye Stillwater
Lucy Roberts Glencore
Mark Krueger Suncor
Mohammed Ali Agnico Eagle Mines
Sarah Makumbe Anglo American
Shirley Neault Hudbay
Tony Da Cruz AngloGold Ashanti
Tracey Jacquemin Teck Resources

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